Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Popular Hair Loss Products

There are many popular hair loss products on the market today, and more choices are available as more consumers are looking for products which prevent or reverse the effects of hair loss. At one time, mainly men were researching popular hair loss products, but now there is more awareness among women of the problem of hair loss, particularly after menopause. Since it is more common that women avoid radical hormone replacement therapy because of the potential health risks associated with it, they are searching for popular hair loss products designed for women which will block DHT, responsible for hair loss, without giving them excessive doses of estrogen. There are popular hair loss products for both men and women, and it is not difficult to find a brand that is right for you.
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Popular hair loss products are often designed for a specific gender because of the hormonal component in many treatments. Among popular hair loss products for men, only two are recognized by the Food and Drug Administration:

Finasteride (or Propecia)
Minoxidil (or Rogaine)

Propecia is a common choice among younger men and is considered safe and effective, although extended use has been associated with an itchy, flaky scalp. Propecia, like many popular hair loss products, consists of DHT inhibitors, which block the hormone responsible for hair loss.

Rogaine is a much-advertised, and is the most well-known among popular hair loss products. Many have seen results in Rogaine, but this treatment requires some patience; for those who take Rogaine twice daily, there might be a few months before results appear. There are some side effects associated with Rogaine, and because of the hormonal nature of the treatment, there might be a loss of libido if Rogain is taken for an extended period of time.

Since many popular hair loss products have side effects associated with them, many people prefer to take alternative remedies. However, since these remedies are not guaranteed by the FDA, there is no assurance that they are effective except through testimonials and a few isolated studies. One natural product on the market is Dr. Proctor’s shampoo, which contains all-natural ingredients for stimulating the scalp and promoting hair growth. Included among Dr. Proctor products are conditioners, lotions and tablets. Hair Genesis is also a popular hair loss product, and blocks DHT. This treatment is taken in the form of oral supplements and has no side effects.

Natural remedies are usually more popular with women than with men, because men’s hair loss occurs more rapidly, and usually, men are looking for a product with guaranteed results. However, many people have seen a return of their hair growth with natural products, and they are certainly worth a try, especially for people who are concerned about side effects.

Aside from popular hair loss products on the market, there are also suggested steps to take and techniques to prevent and reverse the effects of hair loss. Many people lose their hair because of undue stress, malnutrition or a medical condition.

It is a good idea to get to the bottom of whatever may be causing hair loss. Anemia and thyroid problems commonly cause people to lose their hair. Supplementing one’s diet and taking the
correct medications for these conditions can prevent further hair loss. Chemotherapy is also another cause of hair loss. This, however, is usually temporary, and the hair grows back after treatments. It is better to wait it out than to take popular hair loss products which may have side effects and compound a patient’s discomfort.

For many relieving stress and eating a healthy diet may promote hair growth, but for others, using popular hair loss products is the most effective way of reversing the effects of hair loss.

About The Author:
Author: June Mala © 2006 http://www.lktd.com

John V
JohnC.Vincent/CEO/TheOpt.In Magic System



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